What you’ll need:
Barrier Bandage My new favorite brand is this Recovery Derm Shield I prefer buying rolls so you can easily cut the amount you’ll need
Leave your first bandage on OVERNIGHT the day you get tattooed
After you remove your initial bandage the morning after:
Always wash your hands first! Don’t be gross.
Get your hands very sudsy using the Bronner’s soap
Wash your tattoo using your fingertips and palm in circular motions. This helps wash your tattoo, and clear out your pores and hair follicles. Sometimes it is nice to rinse, and repeat, just to make sure all the ointment and plasma and other bits are cleaned off. (No shiny spots!)
Rinse your tattoo thoroughly
Pat dry with a paper towel or a clean bath towel.
Let air dry for 20 minutes
Once your fresh tattoo and surrounding skin are clean and dry, carefully layer on the barrier bandage sheets, starting from the bottom of your tattoo and working your way upwards, until your entire tattoo and surrounding area are completely sealed in by the clear bandage. No openings or tiny holes must remain if this bandage will be successful.
You want to also make sure that you have a lot of overlap on your tattoo, with the bandage extending at least an inch to two inches from the tattooed skin on all sides.
Once your tattoo is sealed up, LEAVE IT ALONE!
If you’re careful with moving and what clothes you’re wearing, the bandage can stay in place and intact for up to 5 days. Do not leave it on for more than 7 days.
You can shower with it on, as it is waterproof. Don’t wash/scrub over the bandage as you risk peeling the edges up.
When it is time to take your barrier bandage off, gently and slowly peel the bandage off while in the shower using the water to help. Wash your tattoo with the Bronner’s soap. Clean thoroughly, and then rinse thoroughly. Pat dry, and let air dry for a little bit.
Apply a small amount of Curell fragrance-free lotion to your tattoo, and go about your day. Wash/Rinse/Lotion two times a day for the next 5 days or so, eventually going to just once a day at your discretion. Your tattoo will feel sore, peel, and can feel very dry. Lightly lotion when needed. Don’t scratch, pick, or peel at your healing tattoo.
Your tattoo will be fully healed when it feels like your normal skin again!
Common concerns:
You can shower with the barrier bandage on, as it is waterproof. Don’t wash/scrub over the bandage as you risk peeling the edges up.
A little redness in the area under the bandage is OK. If it’s visibly welting/itching/burning, then remove the bandage and use Bronner’s to wash the area! Now we know that you’re allergic to barrier bandages!
Greyish fluid may appear after a few hours of having the bandage on, and can remain during the 5 days. This is TOTALLY normal, and nothing to worry about! Even if it’s a lot! Be gentle with the bandage if there’s a fluid build up.
If your bandage does not want to stay on whatsoever, you can absolutely remove it early, and just follow normal after care instructions of Twice a Day (Morning and Night)!
Wear CLEAN, loose clothing over your new tattoo throughout the day. Do not wear dirty clothes. Avoid clothes that will rub/irritate it. Tight clothes that rub can create scarring on your healing tattoo. Clean bed sheets are also a good idea.
Do not use any products I have not personally recommended to you. If you use something weird, I may not know how to help you if your tattoo has issues healing. Do not google the internet or ask your friends concerning the healing of your tattoo, please email me directly.
Do not soak or swim with a new tattoo. Wait until it's healed. Showers are A-OK!
Do not tan/sunbathe with a new tattoo. After your tattoo is HEALED, you may use a high SPF sunscreen to protect it while you're outside.
Light Exercise is fine with new tattoo, but avoid equipment that many people share. Avoid excessive cardio or weight training. Sweat can unfortunately affect the healing of your tattoo. Maybe have a week of nice walks, instead of running marathons. Take it easy on your skin! Do not roll around on a gym floor or use a gym shower while healing your tattoo. Again, do not wear tight clothing that will rub and irritate your new tattoo. Staph and MRSA are usually present in gyms and/or communal spaces where bodies are moving/sweating.
Do not pick or scratch your healing tattoo. It may be tempting, but just don't. It could ruin it your tattoo, or give you an infection. Leave your tattoo alone, unless you're cleaning it or lotioning it.
I offer free touch-ups within the first year of your tattoo. This means if there’s a wonky spot that needs a fix, a fill, a re-outline. The sooner you come in after it's healed, the better. Touch-ups do not equal "I want my tattoo freshened up before summer!" or “Hi, you did this 10 years ago and I need a touch-up!”